Part of
Local Offer Accessibility Strategy

Somerset’s approach in ensuring accessibility for all

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Part of
Local Offer Accessibility Strategy

Somerset’s approach in ensuring accessibility for all


Getting to Somerset's SEND Local Offer

Helping people to get here, removing barriers to viewing the Local Offer website.

Digital inclusionHuman support for finding the Local Offer

Navigating Somerset's SEND Local Offer

Helping people work their way around the Local Offer, removing barriers to navigating the Local Offer website and the wider SEND system.

Website accessibilityAccessibility and human support for navigating SEND services

Understanding Somerset's SEND Local Offer

Understanding Somerset's SEND Local Offer

Web content auditsHuman support for understanding SEND services

Using services within Somerset's SEND Local Offer

Increasing confidence in our SEND services, in particular removing barriers to using universal services and empowering families to promote their independence.

Using services within Somerset’s SEND Local Offer

Improving accessibility of Somerset's SEND Local Offer

Feeding back to help us improve

Improving accessibility of Somerset’s SEND Local Offer

SEND Local Offer accessibility

To make sure Somerset’s SEND Local Offer is accessible to all, we need to focus on helping people to get there by removing barriers to viewing the Local Offer website.

Our data shows that whilst most areas of Somerset are at low risk of digital exclusion, there are still some communities at a high risk. This risk is bigger in areas with larger numbers of people living with a disability which limits day to day activity. So, we have put in place ways for families to access the Local Offer website if they do not have internet access or a computer at home.

The Local Offer website can be used with computers, tablets and smartphones across different operating systems and browsers.

We have

  • free Wi-Fi available in libraries for anyone to use called People’s Network.
  • computers available in libraries. These include a software called Supernova Access Suite which helps users with visual impairments using features including magnification, text reading and the ability to change the colours shown on screen
  • made courses available courses to learn skills that are needed to use a computer – offered through Spark iT and Learn My Way

Library staff have been trained to offer help where appropriate or offer options for learning they can do using the library computers.

Last reviewed: November 30, 2023 by Helly

Next review due: May 30, 2024

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